Re: UnixWare

John Macdonald (
Wed, 27 Apr 1994 14:36:47 -0400

Perry E. Metzger wrote :
|| Michael Neuman says:
|| > 
|| >   Huh? You go ahead and belive that. Personally, I can think of all sorts
|| >   of security flaws at the kernel level that have NOTHING to do with setuid
|| >   programs.
|| Name a couple for us then. I personally have seen only one security
|| hole in a kernel in the past several years -- the division bug under
|| older SunOS. Virtually every alert is related to a program thats
|| setuid root, or that is needlessly running with root privileges (like
|| sendmail).

Well there are certainly configuration problems that can
break security that do not involve setuid.  General write
(or even read) permissions on /dev/mem or /dev/kmem is
one example.  Write permission on /etc/passwd amongst many
important files and directories is another.
That is 27 years ago, or about half an eternity in | John Macdonald
    computer years.        - Alan Tibbetts         |   jmm@Elegant.COM